Welcome to Cavner & Julian

Year after year, satisfied hunters keep returning to Cavner & Julian for world class trophy hunts in Alaska, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Privately owned by Preston and Stacie Cavner, this high class guide service has been in operation in Alaska for over fifteen years — constantly expanding into new areas and adding new species. Cavner & Julian is based out of Alaska and operates Stonewood Lodge in Lake Clark Alaska, Pacific Bear Bay Lodge on the Alaska Peninsula, Swiftwater Camp and more camps in remote locations. The main Stonewood Lodge has all the qualities of a world class sportfishing and recreational lodge and provide the most comfortable of settings for our guests to relax in after enjoying a spectacular adventure. Cavner & Julian goal is to provide a continued level of the highest qualities and give to our guests an hunting experience that is second to none.


Alaska Professinal Hunters Association

Recommendet by Jagdreisen.at.